The crow and magpie have been an omen, an illusion, and a sign of transformation. They are signs of magic and great intellect. I chose the wings of these two birds specifically to share my vision, paired with a beautiful woman to bring the image of light and darkness to life. Both of theses birds are significant because they symbolize creative expression, something that I believe most of us, as we grow older, have forgotten.
I remember wanting to be an artist when I was younger. I wanted to write and take photographs and draw. My dream job was to work for National Geographic. My parents meant well but they discouraged me from following my dream, reminding me that journalism and photography jobs didn't pay very well and I should find something more suitable to pursue. I switched my major from Journalism to Business and forgot about my camera for so long it quite literally collected dust.
It has been within the last few years that I decided I would do what I wanted because I enjoyed it. Not because anyone expected it of me or what sort of income it would bring me; only that it simply made me happy. I started South Sky not only to share my passion and my vision but to help other people share theirs. There are so many creatives in our world that I believe deserve to be recognized and celebrated for their accomplishments and for simply being who they are. Whether they've painted, built a car, danced, or sang, every person has left an impression on this earth. They've created something all their own and it means everything to help share who they are and the traces they're leaving behind.
During the Fall I went to a party where there were as many children as adults. I was tired and took to watching my boyfriend's niece, coloring with her and praising the other kids on their drawings. One girl, she was about 8, lit up when I told her I liked her drawing of a Pegasus. "I want to be an artist when I grow up," she said with a grin. And then just as quick as she smiled she frowned and scribbled over the horse. "But my daddy says that I need a real job. Drawing pictures is for kids, not for someone who wants a living." She sighed and gave me a sad smile. "I'll be a dentist instead." It broke my heart that someone could snuff out a child's dreams so early on. I smiled and told her, "You know, you could do both? Respect your father but if you want to be an artist when you grow up, be an artist. Don't ever let anyone tell you you can't do something. Do what you love, do what makes you happy." She looked at me for a few seconds, then back down at her drawing and smiled and said quietly, like it was a secret, "Thank you."
Perhaps it wasn't my place to go behind her father's back but I couldn't help it. Everyone needs encouragement and everyone deserves to have their dreams uplifted. Consider the crow and regard the magpie for the opportunities they represent.
*Special thanks to model Anna and makeup artist Elizabeth Ricci for being so wonderful to be a part of this shoot.*